the area of jawbone density loss has been treated with a bone grafting procedure so it can be treated with dental implants.

Want To Know Why You May Need A Bone Grafting Procedure Before Your Dental Implant Surgery? We Can Help You With That!

Sometimes, when people want to replace their missing teeth with dental implants in East Lansing, MI, they are told by a trusted doctor that they need a bone grafting procedure first. There are many reasons why people may need to get treated with a bone grafting procedure before they can have their dental implants permanently placed.

Continue reading to learn more about how a bone grafting procedure can help patients have a successful dental implant procedure.


Why May I Need A Bone Grafting Procedure?

People may need a bone grafting procedure when they have jawbone decay in the areas of their jaw where they have had missing teeth for a while. When people have one or more missing teeth that are not immediately replaced, their tooth roots are no longer stimulating their jawbone. Without a stimulated jawbone, it begins to lose density and strength.

Without a healthy and strong jawbone, patients will not be able to chew, speak, and smile comfortably and confidently. In order for patients to restore strength and density back to their jawbone, patients should get a bone grafting procedure before they replace their missing teeth with dental implants in East Lansing, MI.

How Does A Bone Grafting Procedure Prepare Me For My Dental Implants In East Lansing, MI?

Before any procedures begin, the skilled doctor can administer sedation dentistry to the patient so that they have an anxiety-free and painless procedure experience. During the bone grafting procedure, bone graft material is taken, either from the patient’s own body or a human tissue bank and placed in the area of the patients jawbone where they need to restore their jawbone health and density.

After the bone graft is sutured into place and has properly healed, the patient’s jawbone will be healthy and strong enough to support dental implants

Do I Need Dental Implants After A Bone Grafting Procedure?

Patients should get dental implants placed after having a bone grafting procedure so that their jawbone is continuously stimulated and stays dense and healthy. A dental implant helps keep patients jawbones dense primarily because of the dental implant post. The dental implant post is designed to function like a natural tooth root.

Once it has been accurately placed in the patients restored jawbone, the dental implant post permanently fuses with the patients jawbone and stimulates it like a natural tooth root would.


Come To Our Office For Your Bone Grafting And Dental Implant Procedures

Even if you have been told you can’t get dental implants right away because you have lost too much jawbone density, our caring and dedicated office can treat you with a bone grafting procedure so you can restore the health, function, and beauty of your smile with dental implants.

You can come to our office for a consultation so we can make you a customized procedure plan for your new and improved smile. Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Mauricio Moeller and our exceptional team at our Elan Dental Group office to schedule an appointment today!

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